

Сайн байна уу, манай бүтээгдэхүүнээс зөвлөгөө авахаар хүрэлцэн ирээрэй!

Сансрын хүрээ үйлдвэрлэлийн хоёр талт нүүрс агуулахын төсөл.Нийт урт нь 700 метр, урт нь 188 метр, нийт өндөр нь 57 метр, барилгын ажил 90 хоног, барилгын ажилчид 37 хүн ажиллаж байна.


Space frame industrial duplex coal storage shed project. The total length is 700 meters, the total span is 188 meters, the total height is 57 meters, the construction time is 90 days, and the construction personnel are 37 people.
Space frame industrial duplex coal storage shed project. The total length is 700 meters, the total span is 188 meters, the total height is 57 meters, the construction time is 90 days, and the construction personnel are 37 people.
Space frame industrial duplex coal storage shed project. The total length is 700 meters, the total span is 188 meters, the total height is 57 meters, the construction time is 90 days, and the construction personnel are 37 people.
Space frame industrial duplex coal storage shed project. The total length is 700 meters, the total span is 188 meters, the total height is 57 meters, the construction time is 90 days, and the construction personnel are 37 people.

Шуудангийн цаг: 2022-03-18